thank you-self-care-challenge


IMPORTANT: Please read this entire page so you don’t miss a thing!

An email is on it’s way to your inbox containing the details of what you need to know next.

But before you go, I have an important question for you:

Do you want to get the most out of this challenge?!

UPGRADE your 5-day self care journey by downloading the 5 Days of Positive Self Care Affirmations + Future Self Meditation!

Grab 75+ powerful affirmations & meditation for only


*Please note this is a digital product.*

By choosing this special upgrade option, not only will you receive the free 5-day challenge emails, but you’ll also receive positive affirmations to be repeated for each day of the challenge AND a meditation to help you visualize your future self!!

Strong evidence suggests that repeating positive affirmations, especially before bed, can help to rewire your brain and help you create new, empowering beliefs about yourself!

And even more evidence suggests that visualization is a powerful tool to help you quickly manifest your goals and dreams.

Here’s what you’ll be getting:

  • 15 powerful affirmations created for each of the 5 days of the challenge (75 affirmations in total)
  • Affirmations are on self care & self love, physical self care, mental self care, emotional self care, & spiritual self care
  • An 8+ minute meditation recorded by mindset coach, Ashley Rachel, guiding you to visualize a beautiful day in your future
  • Several journal prompts to help you reflect on the meditation afterwards
  • Instructions on how to use the affirmations and meditation
  • An upgraded self care experience with these affirmations you can continue to use for life!

“Ashley is a fantastic teacher– her lessons are clear, her prompts are great, and her meditations will open your heart and mind to so many positive things!”- Zoe

If you want to experience a more transformative self care challenge, click the button below to grab the positive affirmations + meditation upgrade for only:


*Please note this is a digital product.

(Upon purchase, an email will be sent to you containing your affirmations + meditation!)


Ashley Rachel is a free-spirited 20-something year old girl obsessed with self-help books, tea, and writing. But most of all, she’s passionate about supporting & empowering other women as they awaken their inner-wisdom and discover their soul’s purpose. Ashley is a grad student studying mental health therapy and has a background in mindfulness, holistic wellness, and spirituality. Check out her coaching page to apply to work with her in her 1:1 mindset coaching program.